Are you getting in your own way?
Many months ago I signed up for a weeklong jazz intensive program, a boot camp for pianists…
At many moments, I felt out of my depth – there were so many brilliant musicians who were much better than me…many times I wondered if I belonged in the room. Do I have the chops for this? Am I good enough?
Almost talked myself out of performing at the end…
But how would I feel if I didn’t push myself to finish? Or just try?
I crossed many edges that week – experiencing discomfort, awkwardness, and yes, humiliation.
But learned to let go of my ego and enjoy the process – most importantly, the music!
Often we’re very hard on ourselves and let our egos get in the way. What’s the worst that would *truly* happen if you make mistakes or fail?
We all experience self-doubt or imposter syndrome at some point.
But a huge part of confidence-building involves taking risks and experiencing failure. Many times.
Here’s a New Year’s challenge for you: give yourself the grace and permission to try, and fail, over and over. Notice what happens after.
What edges have you crossed lately?